Ananké Chapter L

October 2023

50 Chapters 50 Songs

A special where sound the 49 + 1 songs that closed all the programs since October 2018. In the endings of the Ananké I always proposed a trip in time or a tribute, some surprise, rescue favorites close to oblivion or invoke ghosts that we love. The final song is always important. The closing of an LP, the last melody that sounds in the club when the lights go on, the one that you put on to finish a compilation tape with all the intention, when you know that that concert is going to end and that song will accompany you to bed. So this program wants to be a climax of 60 minutes where all the closings, all the endings, all the farewells sound. From the epic to the intimate and from euphoria to catharsis with the lights already blinding the eyes because everything has its end.