After the World #10

January 2021

0'00'' - 46'45'' - Raiva Amarela [Mariana T.Carvalho + Selu Herraiz + Roisner].
// live mixed improvisation //
46'45'' - 60'00'' - Selu Herraiz + Hugo Capablanca
// Unpublished improvisation created for the inaugural reference of Grabaciones Psicogeográficas, a new recording adventure of Ediciones Capablanca aimed at the research, exploration and recording of various Psi-tuacionismos. //

Gloria Anzaldúa - "Letting go / letting go".
Marina Garcés - Excerpt from "New Radical Enlightenment".
Alejandra Pizarnik - "Useless Borders".
Marina Garcés - Excerpt from "New Radical Enlightenment".
Thoughts of Nikola Tesla.

Lorca - "Those eyes of mine of nineteen hundred and ten".

Voices: Vulkana aka Elena Azzedin + Selu Herraiz