After the World #7

October 2020

Distance // by Humana de Niebla -Pía Achternkamp & Selu Herraiz-.
// live mixed improvisation //

Voice texts:
Vulkana -aka Elena Azzedin-.

- 2'02''
Text: "Distancias" // Poem by Elena Azzedin ///

- 24'47''
Text: "Nudity" / Chapter: What is contemporary // Giorgio Agamben // pg.23. Editorial Adriana Hidalgo editor ////

- 32'24''
Text: "Dos cuerpos en la noche" // Poem by Edwin Paredes (Ecuador - Loja) ///

- 43'17''
Text: "Supurar" // Poem by Elena Azzedin ///

- 50'08''
Text: "Cuídame de no olvidarte" // Al de La Algaida ///

- 59'36''
Phrase extracted from the documentary "Chavela" articulated by Chavela Vargas ///