Digital Entropy #16

The art of noise: Lolo and Sosaku

"Ancient life was all silence. In the 19th century, with the invention of machines, Noise was born.
Today, Noise triumphs and dominates sovereignly over the sensibility of men".

Luigi Russolo

With Russolo's words, I present this month's podcast, where we will listen to two artists, Lolo and Sosakuwhich I was able to see live last Sonar, and which really teleported me to the words of Luigi Russoloand his manifesto "L'Arte dei rumori. Futurist Manifesto".

Lolo and Sosaku are two artists who live and work in Barcelona, but were born in Buenos Aires and Tokyo, respectively.

Their work moves between different artistic languages such as kinetic and sound sculpture, in installation format, and sometimes combined with painting.

Noise constructed through actants in the form of sculptural compositions, which from its machinic materiality transcends mysticism and the unknown.

The electronic music Lolo and Sosaku, is built by the movement from engines, machines and artifacts that acquire their own agency, to dominate the show.

Lolo and Sosaku are pure shamans who guide their machines in their unpredictable movement transformed into noise, but which ends up being pure futuristic manifesto.


01. 2A Metal
02. Wood Motor EP
03. Live at Teclasala 07.10.2021