NOISE is Message #12

December 2021

"let us swim in our bodies, leave our souls in our souls...."

Signal Flow ꞊►

#FREQUENCIESIn 2015 we conducted this interview with the artist, thinker and referent Ana María Romano Gómez, which gave rise to this sub-project within El RUIDO es el Mensaje called MUJERES en la Experimentación (Sonora). Knowing that this first approach was vital and that there was a lot of unpublished audio of that interview, we decided to make a remontage and include the rest of that extensive talk with internal comments and reflections, which still maintain an accurate validity. #FREQUENCIES is the evolution of this nomenclature, 6 years after its birth and 10 years after the gestation of El RUIDO es el Mensaje as a radio art and experimental project.

We listened to their work:

In the sway of telepathy and the overflow of the parenthesis (2021)

With desire on the street (2020)

Melt - Tremble - Shiver - Chafe (2017/2021)

I know your madness because it is also mine (2020)

We are all of us (2019)

#ESCUCHAS: Lorena Izquierdo Aparicio and To End the Judgment of God, by Antonin Artaud.

Be part of listening in the vast landscape of Sounds.
We recommend the Usage from HEADPHONES.
Integral Production: Franco Falistoco A. with The NOISE is the Mensage and collaborators.

The Soundis El NOISE from Message.