Espace Plein #13

February 2021


This program is developed from the sensitive uprooting in which I find myself, it is developed through different opinions collected about the meaning of the word Spain, which are the associated forms and the different subjective appreciations, before the political and cultural construction. Through different scenes of everyday life, which make up our collective social fabric, different people express their opinions and formal constructions. Nation, territory, flags, food, people, collectivities.

Spain oozes corruption, and national-Catholicism, heteropatriarchy and war, most of the migrant women I asked did not want to express their opinions, besides women, at least in my town, Monteagudo, I felt them second-class citizens, trans women were not even mentioned. Those who openly called themselves fascists did not want to give their opinion either.

Many thanks to all the voices that have composed this program. Thanks to those who supported us with their music.