Esquizofonías o la palpitación del siglo #9

June 2023

Passage 9

01. Hidden Agenda, Ken Loach 1990. Music and conversation.
02. Palookaville, Alan Taylor, 1995. Heist music.
03. Bonnie Prince Billy & Matt Sweeney live andnterpreting Od'd in Denver by Hank Williams, Jr.
04. Maruja Mallointerview in the Rtve program A Fondo.
05. Exchange of rackets of Carlos Alcaraz and Denis Shapovalov.
06. Pascal QuignardThe reader and the plant, a fragment from Pequeños Tratados on the simile between a reader and a plant; static looking for the light.
07. Flute played by the bishop of the series of Ingmar Bergman Fanny & Alexander, 1982.
08. Bill Callahan interpreting Od'd in Denver by Hank Williams, Jr.
09. Broken window of the film Paolo Sorrentino, A place to stay, 2011.
10. Henri Mancini, Pink Panther Theme.
11. Hidden Agenda, Ken Loach 1990. Conversation.
12. Stanley Kubrick, Perfect Heist, 1956. Voices.
13. A few audios of Zozobra including a recording of Aisha and Aleix trying to unravel the mystery of the rebel switches.
14. Bill Callahan and Bonnie Prince Billy performing Od'd in Dever by Hank Williams, Jr.
15. Close as usual Maruja Mallo.
16. The rest of audios and music by Zozobra. Your listening is a pleasure and you know it!