Flushing Toilets #15
June 2020
Flushing Toilets_Terminal
Web and pre-order of the cassette:
'Terminal' is the first cassette of the project of the same name. Analog radiations
for a journey from the Andes to the cosmic void.
01. Terminal Project Presentation
02. Ayakuccho_Terminal_album Terminal (*)
03. When was Terminal born?
04. Ingravita_Terminal_album Terminal (*)
05. Presentation of the first album Terminal, released in collaboration with Nuevo Sonido Nacional.
06. About the production and recording process of the project.
07. Espejismo_Terminal_album Terminal
08. What are your musical influences?
09. What are your aesthetic influences?
10. Lima_Terminal_Terminal_album
11. About the Terminal set
12. Mantis_Terminal_album Terminal (*)
(*) edited tracks/ excerpts