Flushing Toilets #29

October 2021

Emotional Pussy_Episode 2

01. BACKXWASH - Purpose of Pain_.
02. Puce Mary - Games [Posh Isolation]
03. Emotional Pussy_statement 2_thepassiveaggressivetense
04. Yuko Araki - Moonstroke in the Mountain
05. Louise Bourgeois - "I transform hate into love"
06. Louise Bourgeois - Otte
07. Barbie makes a statement
08. Diamanda Galas- Exeloume
09. Lingua Ignota - Do You Doubt Me Traitor
10. Danielle de Piccioto - The Element of Love
11. Pan Daijing - Lucid Morto
12. Sympathy For Lady Vengeance - Ending scene