
The demise of the GDR, October 1, 2020

We take our imaginations back to the former GDR to meet with Shaday Larios who went to Berlin with his agency of object detectives, in order to study the relationship of the neighbors of the communist part of Berlin with those objects characteristic of that regime, such as the mesh bags, ideal to avoid the indiscreet looks of the Stasi. Objects that, by the way, are still highly valued by Berliners today. The publishing house The Broken Nail published a few months ago his book Object Detectives in which the tribulations of this very particular agency are explained, during its investigations in Girona, Barcelona and Berlin, the city that concerns us today.

On the 30th anniversary of the disappearance of the RDAwe are going to listen to songs from producers born in the DDRsuch as the pioneering electronics project PONDthe new wave made in Karl-Marx-Stadt from the band AG Geige (in which he was a militant Frank BreatschneiderThe brown electronic seal strut, Raster Noton), a version of the Crockett's Theme by the work of Key from Frank Fehseas well as the debut of the trance king, Paul Van Dyk.

Die Sputniks - Sputnik-Thema (Die Frühen Jahre LP/1982)
Kosmischer Läufer - Tonband Laufspur (The Secret Cosmic Music Of The East German Olympic Program 1972-83 - Volume One/2013)
Rainer Oleak - Unbändig (Birth LP/2017)
P.O.N.D. - Zeitmaschine - (P O N D Planetenwind LP/1982)
Paul van Dyk - Pumpin' (Pump This Party / Pumpin' 12" /1994)
Die Unbekannten - Don't tell me stories (Don't Tell Me Stories LP/2005)
Wolf Biermann - Comandante Che Guevara(Chile (Ballade Vom Kameramann) / Comandante Che Guevara 7"/1973)
AG Geige - Yachtclub & Buchteln (Yachtclub & Buchteln LP/1987)
Key - Crockett's Theme (Key LP/1987)