Ones de Crom #14


June 18, 2008
Sorgits at the beginning of the 70s in the scene of Los Angeles Free Music Society on improvisation
musical, soroll, electronic experiments, decompositions of 50's music and rock and the use of
of invented instruments was the style that would define them. Established later in Portland, these classics from
the musical deconstruction have been referents for current Sorolla bands with whom they have collaborated
com Wolf Eyes, Jazkamer, Merzbow, NON, Butthole Surfers, Carlos Giffoni o C Spencer Yeah. We review his discography from the beginnings with "Glamour Girl
1941″ i "Flashcards" (1979), "Wild Man Fisher" (1975), "Pigs For Leppers" (1982), "Nattering.
Naybobs of Negativity" (1988), "Ism" (1994), "Rumblings" (2005) and "33 1.3" (2007). From them
collaborations mentioned above include songs from the albums made in half with Merzbow "Smegma Plays
Merzbow" (1996), "The Beast" (2003) Amb. Wolf Eyes i "Endless Coast" (2007) amb
Jazkamer. The godfathers of the sorollosa concrete music and of the irreverence with rock, free jazz and electronics are them: Smegma!