12 de juny 2019 Icelandic cellist with various works where the cello, the guitar and sometimes the electronic manipulations, the veu and field recordings shape his compositions. Let's listen to his debut album "Mount A". (2006) as a Lost In Hildurness and the rest of his discography marked with his real name. "Second Childhood" (2006) unites her with Swedish and Icelandic sound experimenters. BJ Nilsen and Stilluppsteypa and as a soloist we listen to cello, guitar and electronic music since "Without Sinking" (2009), a extracte d'un tema llarg de "Leyfdu Ljósinu" (2012) amb cello i gravacions de camp, "Saman" (2014) amb la seva veu i cello i el baix de Skúli Sverrisson in a theme and we finish with the intriguing soundtrack created for the series "Chernobyl" (2019) by this cellist.