Fuyuki Yamakawa's heart used as a musical instrument.
Excerpt from the conference Is everything that vibrates music? From Chantal Maillard. Arca - Last Night (2017) - Arca. My name is Sebastian - At the same time (2020) - 10 of spades. Excerpt presentation of Fuyuki Yamakawa at the Fast Foward Festival (2010) Espinoza Espinoza - rCP20 (2020) - FUN1R4.
"I started using my heart in my performances around 2002-2003." "I'm more interested in the vibration produced by the sound than the music."
"I realized that art was an imported concept, rooted in Western culture, and suddenly I saw that my peers were creating works that conformed to imported ideals. I started to ask myself, what do I have that is mine? Another reason was that my band broke up when everyone started working after we graduated. I started working as an assistant at the same university and decided to start a one-man band. The heart became my drum and I would sing and play the heart/drum beat."
About the audience: "I just want them to resonate, to physically understand that they are alive. That as they listen to my heartbeat, they feel their own heartbeat. Once they understand that, I don't care if they laugh, cry or meditate. It depends on the audience."