A piece that refers to the attempts of Johannes Kepler for cracking the code of interplanetary communication through mathematics and musical waves. We explore Kepler's thoughts towards his theories of 1619 from his book Harmonice MundiThe Kepler spacecraft's discoveries today are transmitted from outer space to Earth through the Kepler band. Ka. The piece is composed of five movements with different musical themes inspired and extracted from his work. Harmonice Mundi written in 1619.
1. Tetrahedron-fire
2. Octahedron-air
3. Cube-earth
4. Icosahedron-water
5. Dodecahedron-cosmos or ether
The monologue dares to make us think about the relationship between mathematics and music, and how they are constructed to effect mental and physical understanding in us, and to make us question whether the space we occupy (the Earth) is also trying to communicate with the other celestial bodies in the same galaxy. Astronomy and the exploration of the sky have been constant since the appearance of human beings on our planet. Thanks to great thinkers such as KeplerIf we do, we have the scientific basis to advance in the creation of new technologies to be able to learn to listen to the Universe. Perhaps, we will find other kinds of bands (frequencies) that we have not been able to receive so far. What would Kepler Would you continue the search for this information out there in the galaxy or would you search here on our planet for the solutions to the mystery of the invisible but very powerful vibrations...?
Created on May 12, 2011.
Voice: Shak Benavides
Composition: Shak Benavides and Rosalind Harvey.