Uncertainty Theory #9

Tesla and the number 9, the trombone and Dead Can Dance


- About number 9.
- Nikola Tesla and his obsession with the numbers 3,6,9.
- 9 words related to the program: Sound-Frequency-Color -Light-Occultism-Context-Experimentation-Instrument-Invisible/All.
- First pages of chapter IV Sound and Color from the book Keys to Inner Space (Keys to Inner Space) by Lehman Hisey.
- In the invisibility of what the mathematical Theory of Everything describes.


Dead Can Dance:
De Profundis (out of the depths of sorrow) - Spleen and Ideal (1985)
Ascension - Spleen and Ideal (1985).
Anywhere Out Of The World - Within The Realm Of A Dying Sun (1987)


The Trombone

As a timeless instrument that comes mainly from animal horns and has fascinated different cultures and has thousands of years of existence and continues to be exploited to this day.

The trombone is a brass instrument. Its sound is produced by the vibration of the player's lips in the part called the mouthpiece from the air column (air flow). The different notes are obtained by the movement of a movable tube, called a rod, lengthening the distance that the vibrating air must travel, thus producing sounds that can also be controlled by a greater or lesser pressure of the air blown by the performer on the rod. Seven different positions are differentiated along the length of the rod. The longer the air column is lengthened with each position, the deeper the sound produced is than in the previous one. However, there are also trombones with valves. Like almost all instruments of this brass family, the trombone is made of brass (although nowadays many factories also opt for copper and silver plating), and consists of a cylindrical, open tube wound on itself.

It is in this century that composers have exploited all the possibilities of the trombone, not only in the orchestra (entrusting it with important solos), but also in its role as a solo instrument, as the literature for solo trombone has increased considerably.


The name Dead Can Dance means to put life back into something that is dead, or has not been used for a long time. Some of the instruments they use are ancient or rare in Western music. Perhaps the first thing we should try to decipher before we talk about Dead Can Danceis the origin and meaning of its name, which, according to statements made by Gerrard and Perry was born out of an extensive process of meditation, faced with the need to inject new life into music and instruments that could be considered dead and obsolete. It is precisely this interpretation that justifies the use of a whole range of musical elements, ranging from the most common, such as guitar, keyboards, percussion and synthesizers, to others of much more classical nuances, such as bagpipes, violin, cello, tuba, yang-chin or hurdy-gurdy.