(Photo by Gabriëlle Barros Martins).
Janneke van der Putten is a visual artist and performer based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Her practice includes listening experiences, performances, sound and video, image / text / textile documentations, workshops, music projects and creating platforms for cultural exchange. Her voice is her main tool, guiding her through physical and sonic explorations in different landscapes, employing techniques learned during years of study. Her music moves away from the usual parameters of the modern, where amplification and synthesis are the norm, and focuses on the simple resonance of the body, in the here and now. By interacting with specific sites and local contexts through his personal experiences, he investigates (human) responses to his environment and its relationship to natural phenomena and transitions, such as the aurora.

(MAREA festival Ravenna 2018.)
Graduated in TXT (Textile), Gerrit Rietveld Academy (Amsterdam) and completed his MMus in Artistic Research, Royal Academy of Art and Royal Conservatoire (The Hague). Between 2009 and 2015 she received singing lessons. Dhrupad (traditional North Indian classical music) with Marianne Svašek and Amelia Cuniand is self-taught in various extended vocal techniques. The project Invisible architecture with Christian Galarretafor which they released a vinyl in 2014, has been presented at, among others, the Museum of Contemporary Art (Lima). In 2016 and 2017 she was co-curator of the Aloardi Festival 'Peruvian New Music & Arts'.WORM (Rotterdam). Van der Putten regularly presents his work on the peninsula and has already performed at various venues in Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, Malaga, Malaga, Murcia, Pontevedra, Bilbao and Zaragoza. In 2018, for example, he performed in Barcelona Symbiotic Unionan independent initiative at the University of Catalonia, as well as at the University of Catalonia. Archipiélago Festival at the Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid.

(Photo TAAK - Cobra Museum, 2018.)
The piece programmed in TeslaFM is the recording in Barcelona Symbiotic Union, held on September 28, 2018.